
Notification Types

Notifications are configurable messages the user receives following a trigger event.

  • Discord Webhooks

Notifications in the roadmap:

  • Telegram

  • Twitter

  • Email

Notification: Discord Webhook

The discord webhook can send a customised message to a desired selected channel.



Webhook URL

URL for the webhook. See here for instructions to obtain the channel webhook.

Display Name

Optional. Will display this name as the username with the message.

Avatar URL

Accepts PNG and JPEG.


Message string for the alert message. See message formatting for more infomation. For example message:


Vault: rvUSDt Gain: {args_1 / 1000000} USDt Loss: {args_2 / 1000000} USDt TotalDebt: {args_6 / 1000000} USDt strategy: {args_0}{txHash}

Will produce this message:

Discord Webhook URL

Navigate to the server you would like to receive the message. Right-click the desired channel and select "Edit Channel"

Select "Integrations" and then "Webhooks"

Click "New Webhook" and a new webhook will be created with an auto-generated name.

Click the new webhook to expand the settings. Click "Copy Webhook URL" and use this URL in DeNotify

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